As with all our services, we will provision all services product for you so you will have one point of contact for the project we will organise and deal with all aspects on your installation.
There 4 main types of broadband:
ADSL - Delivered directly to your office of home down standard copper cable.
FTTC - Faster than ADSL deliverd by Fibre and Copper cable.
FTTP - Full Fibre directly to your door.
SOGEA - Like FTTC but no phone line required.
Leased Lines
What is a leased line ?
A leased or Ethernet line is a private internet connection between 2 or more locations provided according to a commerical contract. Speeds are fast and the bandwidth can be from 100MPS to 10GB.
There are many suppliers for leased lines, depending on your area, this will determine which providers you can use. In addition a leased line is uncontented, which means it's not shared by any other organisation, it is your private internet connection.
We can supply and provision most suppliers for Leased lines EG: BT, Virgin,TTB,Vodafone to name a few.
Surveys may have to be carried out if you are instaling a leased line. We can take you through the process.